mercy bell one of these nights about twelve o'clock this old world is gonna rock
/ wendy and bells/ blog
brooklyn, ny

Saturday, November 29, 2008


A quote sent to me by a friend I don't get to see enough of on the day:

"Now is the time to deeply compute the impossibility that there is anything but Grace." -Hafez

My office is participating in a inter-office promotion. They give out scratch cards for good customer service, and the first person to spell out a word wins lots of money. I was walking out to lunch the other day and overheard several of my colleagues who were outside taking a smoke break. One of them had just advanced further in the scratch card contest. I joked "I never win anything", I was about to add "but I don't care", but was interrupted by one of the women who said with an urgency that stopped me dead in my tracks "You have life." I looked at her. She took a smoke. Pointed at my legs. "You have your legs." I suddenly was aware of my legs. "Thank you." Was all I could manage. And I went off for a bagel.

Happy Thanksgiving.

(stuff rattling around my brain) - If you don't listen to This American Life, this is possibly one of my favorite episodes. An homage to Studs Terkel with tales of the Depression. Joyful, striking, ironic, and unforgettable as usual. - Who Do You Think You Are?

Sufjan Stevens - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

1 comment:

merci burkhalter said...

i bet you would win a grammy!