mercy bell one of these nights about twelve o'clock this old world is gonna rock
/ wendy and bells/ blog
brooklyn, ny

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

life in exits and onramps

"The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it can be turned into momentum."

It's such a warp to wake up at 6 south of Boston, get on a bus in Boston, zoom zoom, then end up in New York. It's like New York just happens. But that's the comfort of it. It's proof of a wide world.

Massachusetts was a lot of birthday cake and family and friends (including picking up a long lost New York friend by way of Somerville) and a corn kafka movie made in 45 minutes, which I pray and hope sees the light of day despite offending Mr. Hassan's quality standards. And a dance song titled "Party Disease" (how? why?) which I will try to include in my lineup somehow despite not remembering any of the lyrics or having a synthesizer or keyboard. But we'll do some folk-tronica without the tronica.

I went back to campus and played piano in a classroom where I took the Afghanistan class that broke my heart. There were fans drying marbled floors outside and crickets signaling the dry heat, I just played the piano or sat in the grass.

My bosses thought I'd gone to the beach when I came back to Broadway and the Upper West Side because of my tan. I'd just been to some other side of home, just doing what I used to do. I used to sit in the sun a lot thinking about New York.

I just wish I could find a comfortable way to sleep on a bus.

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